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Town Administrator Resume Review Committee Meeting Minutes 9/13/16
Town Administrator Resume Review Committee - Minutes

9/13/16, 7 pm.

Present: Ray Tryon, Rob Hoogs, Roy Carwile, Kelly Tryon, Chris Blair, Jonathan Sylbert, Stan Ross

Committee approved minutes of 8/23/16.

Committee discussed Kenn Basler’s letter regarding job description revisions. Committee members felt strongly that an accurate, complete, prioritized job description was necessary for clarity, not just in order to assemble appropriate questions for interviews, but also for applicants to best understand what the town expects of them.

Committee will continue to revise job description until it is suitable. HR qualifications were discussed again and determined to be of most importance.

Committee discussed desire to meet with Joe Kellog and other town administrators.

Committee discussed how to compile questions for “preliminary screening” interviews, which will take place in executive session. According to town counsel, “preliminary screenings” are exempt from the Open Meeting Law.

Committee will send questions to applicants in advance of interviews.

Committee hopes candidates have researched Monterey and will offer assessment and recommendations for how they will handle the town’s particular challenges.

Committee reviewed new applications and prioritized candidates for interviews.

Meeting adjourned, 9 pm.